
New Here?

To get connected into the life of Redemption Tucson Church, the first step is to fill out a Connect Card.  You can share prayer requests, ask for a pastoral visit or meeting, sign up for our email list, and get plugged in to our Redemption Communities (small groups that meet in homes).

You don’t need to be new to fill out a Connect Card! Maybe you’d like to reach out to us to meet or share a prayer request. Please click the link below and we’ll follow up with you ASAP.

DNA Class

DNA is the primary place to get plugged into the ministries, begin serving, learn more about the mission, and understand the foundational beliefs of Redemption Tucson Church. DNA takes place on Sundays once a quarter.


Baptism, is an outward expression of this inward transformation. It symbolically portrays a Believers identification with the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It proclaims to all that we have died to our old self and now live in the freedom of new life in Christ as a forgiven child of God and devoted follower of Jesus. Baptism follows the example set by Jesus, found in Mark 1:9. Our new life with new priorities and passions expressed in ministry also begins with an act of obedience in being baptized.


Membership is an informed commitment to the doctrine and vision of Redemption Tucson Church, a willing submission to the leadership of the church, and an intentional embrace of your role in the body of Christ and the mission of the church. We invite you to enter into this covenant community here at Redemption Tucson.

General Questions Or Need Info?

If you would like to get added to our email list, have general questions, or just don’t know where to start, simply email us at or click the “email us” link below.