Transitions & Updates
This is a very full, exciting, and important season for us at Redemption Tucson! Read more about some of the specific updates and transitions below: 1. ANNOUNCING REDEMPTION TUCSON'S NEW CHILDREN'S MINISTRY DIRECTOROn Sunday March 5th we spent some time thanking and praying for Annie Prentice as she transitions away from the role of Children's Ministry Director, where she has faithfully served for the past 4 years. To listen to the announcement from Sunday, and to hear Annie share some of the exciting things God is doing in her life, click HERE.Jenny Bell will be moving into the role of Children's Ministry Director throughout the month of March, and we are confident the Lord has raised up the right person to lead this critical ministry of our church. God has clearly provided for our needs by calling Jenny to step into this role. Her heart for all-of-life discipleship and vast experience in leading teams of people toward faithful mission will be put to good use as the director of our fastest-growing ministry at Redemption Tucson.
We got to hear more from Jenny on Sunday March 12th (you can listen to that HERE), but you can read more about Jenny and why she is so excited to step into this new role:Jenny Bell General Bio: -Married to Paul Bell & mother to Samantha Bell -Graduated from ASU in 2008 with a major in Sociology, minor in communications. -On staff with Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ) from 2008-2016 -Developed Christian leaders on college campuses overseas and stateside, taught and directed men and women in small teams and large scale public platforms, and coached young women personally in a discipleship capacity. Why I’m excited for the new role:"The opportunity to engage and care for children and entire families at Redemption Tucson is something I am incredibly passionate about! From parents to children, and children to parents--I have a vision to see diverse families from all stages of life thrive in unique and holistic ways under the spiritual development of the church.Through my love of communication, leadership development, and relational health, I am eager to grow strong bonds with the families we will encounter as a church. I hope to apply my leadership strengths and experiences to develop a team of people committed to the values and potential of our children's ministry."If you have any questions on regarding this transition please email Dave Goffeney at

2. ELDER UPDATE: ALEX TOVAROn Sunday February 19th Alex Tovar was formally installed as an elder at Redemption Tucson! This is a massive deal for us as a church and we are celebrating it across Redemption. We had the privilege of having Tyler Johnson & Jim Mullins come down to help us install Alex into this new role. We believe the consistent pattern throughout the New Testament is that each local body of believers is shepherded by a plurality of qualified, male pastors/elders. Pastors/elders are called to number of specific duties, including: prayer and Scripture study, caring for the people in the church, equipping the church to do ministry, giving an account to God for the church, living exemplary lives, preaching and teaching, praying for the sick, and teaching sound doctrine and refuting error.Listen to the installation of Alex Tovar HERE.
We are so thankful for Allen & Tracie Paulsen, and their adult kids Melanie & Mathew, who will be starting a Redemption Community that is specifically devoted to praying for, welcoming, & leading the youth who God has entrusted to us at Redemption Tucson. They will be starting on Tuesday, February 14 (Valentine's Day) @ 6pm @ their home. Please feel free to email them for more information or how to be part of what they are doing: (Allen) or ( Tracie).Listen to the interview & announcement about this Youth RC HERE.
4. STEPHEN COLLINS JOINING OUR STAFF TEAMBecause of the faithful, generous, and sacrificial giving of our congregation, we are excited to bring Stephen Collins on as a full-time staff member with Redemption Tucson! As a church, we will be paying 1/3 of his salary (with the other 2/3 continuing to come from outside support) as well as covering his family's medical benefits. Stephen is a great leader who loves our church deeply, and we believe that he will be even better equipped to serve God and others now through this full-time capacity.Listen to the announcement about Stephen joining our team HERE.
Alex Tovar, who has taken on the leadership of our Church's finances gave some exciting news about how our church is growing toward becoming financially self-sustaining (where all of our expenses and ministry budgets comes from what we are consistently giving as a congregation). He also shared the very exciting update on how much we brought in locally as a congregation, as well as for Redemption Church as a whole towards the Outward Focused Advent Offering:
- Redemption Tucson - $6,473.00
- All Redemption - $428,807.79
If you have any questions regarding our church's finances, or to see the budget sheet we have put together, feel free to email Alex: to what Alex shared about the church finances HERE.