Advent Offering 2021
This December, Redemption Tucson continues its annual commitment to give above and beyond towards our Outward Focus Ministries. As in previous years, we ask that you consider giving generously to love and serve our neighbors: Close, Near, and Far. Here's how you can donate:
Give financially (check, cash, or online) by indicating “Advent” on your donation. These donations will be distributed among the following partner ministries:
CLOSE: Safford School
NEAR: Tucson Refugee Ministry & Hands of Hope
FAR: Champions in Action (Guatemala)
Thank you for your generosity in this season!
Details for giving regarding tax deductions:
Arizona law provides several tax benefits for certain charitable contributions. Specifically, if you meet certain criteria (a primary one of which is whether you have any tax liability to Arizona), you can receive a tax credit for these charitable contributions. A tax credit is better than a tax deduction, as a tax credit is a dollar-for-dollar offset against your tax liability. Thus, the credit replaces the tax you owe. If, however, you have already withheld more than what you owed, the credit can result in an increase in your state tax refund. Furthermore, not only can you recoup the amount you contributed from your state tax return, it also allows you to report a charitable contribution on your federal tax return, which can also lower your federal taxes if you itemize. There are several types of contributions that receive this special treatment in Arizona, and many of these align with Redemption Tucson's outward focused ministries. For example:
• Foster Care Charitable Tax Credit – Individual (up to $500), Joint ($1000)
More information at
• Public School Extra-curricular Credit – Individual (up to $200), Joint (up to $400)
More information at
• Arizona Qualifying Charitable Organizations – Individuals (up to $400), Joint (up to $800)
More information at
Specifically, the foster care charitable tax credit assists foster care and adoption agencies in Arizona working to address our state's foster care crisis. The Public School Extra-curricular Credit can be directed to schools throughout the state to be used in their extra-curricular programs. Please consider whether some or all of your donation might be directed to Safford School. Finally, the Qualifying Charitable Organizations include our outward focused ministries of Hands of Hope Tucson (caring for women facing unplanned pregnancies) and Free Ever After (combatting sex trafficking). If you'd like additional helpful information about how these contributions work, there are several websites that provide guidance, such as this one: of these contributions must be made by December 31, 2018, to be claimed on your 2018 tax returns, so please consider what contributions you may be able to make before the year's end.
2018 Arizona Tax Credit Limits and Links | Sensible Money
Find everything you need on Arizona tax credits and additional information at the links below: